Everything about Journey to the Heart of Luna hits the right spots for me. As a new reader of the steampunk Genre, I found the story a compelling journey that has me hooked and ready for the next instalment in the series.
Author, Andy Frankham-Allen cleverly writes a story that allows the reader to embark on the journey alongside the delectable Professor Nathanial Stone, and not once are you left confused by the scientific facts that make this story both enjoyable and inspiring.
The opening to the series sees a young woman, Annabelle Somerset make a distress call to the British Government, from the moon. They soon decide to investigate and we are introduced to an inventor friend of Annabelle’s uncle, Professor Nathanial Stone and thus the journey begins. The overall pacing gives the reader enough time to absorb all the information and make sense of what is happening.
This is an entertaining start to what is sure to be a fabulous series. I highly recommend you take a leap of faith and dive in head first.
Follow the links below to get your own copy of "Journey to the Heart of Luna" and find out more about author Andy Frankham Allen.